Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Piazza Navona

We walked to meet a fellow student at his apartment and entered the south end of Piazza Navona. As we walked down the street I noticed a large ball that was black on top and had light pouring out of the bottom of it. We neared and saw a large crowd gathered underneath. I realized that this was undoubtedly another movie set for Angels and Demons. Maybe it was the three glasses of wine in me or the excitement about being this close to Ron Howard or the conversations I had had with my roommates just hours before about his show Arrested Development, or a combination of all of them, but whatever the reason I took it upon myself to ask, politely ofcourse, about when the show would be coming back. I yelled to Mr. Howard “Bring back AD,” to which he responded “What? I can’t hear you.” I then said “Arrested Development, it’s Awesome, bring it back man!” he replied “We are trying, we have a movie in the works.” This conversation was brief and answered all the questions I had regarding Ron Howard and the show, and I am sure said a lot about a 20 year old college kid in Rome. Hopefully he thought of me as a diehard fan and not a rude American jackass. I wouldn’t be surprised by either though.

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